Braindom 2
Developer: Famobi - 8 558 playsBraindom 2 is a captivating puzzle game that challenges your mind with innovative riddles and stimulating puzzles. Designed for brain game enthusiasts, it offers a variety of levels that will test your logic, creativity, and ability to think quickly and effectively. With colorful graphics and a user-friendly interface, Braindom 2 provides an addictive and entertaining experience, perfect for those looking to enhance their cognitive skills while having fun. At each level, you will face a brain teaser or puzzle, and you will need to find exactly what is being asked. But it's not just about solving riddles, Braindom 2 also takes you on a journey through history! As you progress, you will unlock fascinating historical facts about important figures from the past. With hundreds of levels to complete, Braindom is both educational and a lot of fun!

Now me personally on a scale from one to ten I would give this a well deserved 6.67424 it was quite a rave when I first opened it but it slowly became boring. Many may say I have bias because of Braindom number 1 but I personally think the first game weren't great either, still, factoring our the bias you could say it is a scale from one to ten. One being the worst ever and ten being the best game ever. Speaking of the the best game I have played in a while was: well come to think of it I haven't played any good games recently so I will have to say there are no tens currently. With that said this game is a well deserved 4.9887 I just could not give it a 5 because of the repetitive game play. In fact you can't play this game more that one or twice or maybe even THRICE *chuckle* get it?
3 months ago -
i agree with @luiginumber1
3 months ago -