(You can rebind keys by clicking on the "controller" icon at the bottom of the game)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team
Developer: Chunsoft - 461 603 playsPokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team is a particular episode from the series, released in November 2006 on GameBoy Advance. The game concept is original because you will play as a human who has been turned into a Pokemon and must travel the four corners of the world to fight against species of wild creatures, all become strangely hostile. To reveal the mystery is happening in this fantasy world will need to recruit many allies among the other Pokemon and you'll have to go find them in their natural habitats. The world is large, full of dangers and dungeons to explore. The many turn-based fights will be tactical and each of the creatures you face will have its own fighting techniques. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon offers a long journey, full of bounce and with dozens of hours of play.

Best of all pokemon games! I cleared the main game and I restarted it yesterday. I always get Charmander and take Bulbasaur as partner because it's grass type (strong against water) and cannot be poisonned. One suggestion for Snokido: can we get "Blue Rescue Team" and "Sky Explorers"? It'd be cool to compare the Mystery Dungeon games...
1 month ago -
the hardest part for me is battling gengar's squad. I am a charmander and my partner is treecko
2 months ago -
Ayy i'm charmander my sidekick is pikachu! my adventure workers are Voltorb , Poochyena magnemite and zigzagoon 10/10 snokido!!!! VERY FUNN but if your uploading gba games why not scarlet and violet? please add that
7 months ago -
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TheLegendGuild i think they cant add ds games but i hope they can
1 day ago -