(You can rebind keys by clicking on the "controller" icon at the bottom of the game)
Pokemon X & Y
Developer: Game Freak - 913 226 playsPokemon X & Y is a GBA rom hack version of Pokemon Emerald, created by fans. Many Pokemon from Kalos region have been added and you can capture and battle Pokemon from the 6th generation. The graphics have also been improved and a long adventure, exciting and full of surprises awaits you. Explore the region, look for the rarest Pokemon and make them evolve to make them stronger and become the best trainer. According to rumors and experiences in your village, mega-evolutions would even be possible in this version of Pokemon!

ariha, you have to press enter and go to the pokemon, click it with z and click :/ idk I forgot but click that and then click on a random pokemon in your list to swap, also you can check your pokemon's stats if you click another button
2 months ago -
NbtheSSJ3 ofc eveyone will piak froakie but the water/grass starter would do best against the 1st gym roxxane but you should get grass starter for the electric gym up ahead
7 months ago -
- <1 2 3 4… 16 >
I cant find the 4th gym Someone please help
1 month ago -