(You can rebind keys by clicking on the "controller" icon at the bottom of the game)
Mother 3
Developer: Nintendo - 97 836 playsIn April 2006 an event game was released on GameBoy Advance after 12 years of waiting, the RPG Mother 3. This sequel of Earthbound (which can also be called Earthbound 2) carry our heroes on a crazy adventure composed of 8 grandiose chapters. The protagonists take part in a scenario rich, complex and fascinating and in which the specific humor of the series will be omnipresent. Exploration, discovery of the world and fight will be the daily lot of the different characters. They each have their own specialty and the fights will be based on a system of musical rhythm. Confusing at first but enjoyable to master when we managed to chain combos. If you're a fan of retro games, the epic adventure of Mother 3 will entertain you during not less than 30 hours!
Truly, one of the greatest games to ever be released. Thank you, Shigesato Itoi, for making such a wonderful trilogy. Although new Mother games may come out (perhaps new ones may release) the spirit of Ninten, Loid, Anna, Giegue, Ness, Paula, Poo, Jeff, Giygas, Porkey, Lucas, Flint, Duster, Kumatora, Boney, and Claus shall live withing the hearts of us fans!
9 months ago -
@somerandomtomato they need to slow down with fnf and focus on more important games, we have so many games that need to be ported, we need more pokemon games beside the main 4. there's so many good RPGs that can be ported
1 year ago -
tbh my personal opinion is to stop adding so many fnf mods, we have enough in here. Plus the really good ones that we have the privilege to right now are barely paid attention to. we're not gonna get too many good suggestions in this base if 50% of users just consistently play fnf. i'd say to listen to media more. Example? people are dying to have the red and blue, as well as gold silver and crystal pokemon games on switch ever since the recent direct has announced GB ports. We have the gen 3 games here, why not 1 and 2 as well?
1 year ago -
Lucas is the best character in smash But this game is REALLY good, i agree with @somerandomtomato, GVE US MORE GOOD GAMES BESIDES FNF!!! P.S. (i do like FNF tho...)
1 year ago -
Is it just me or when I load it up it just has a black screen? Like, for minutes.
2 years ago -
we should actually be thankful snokido let us play this because everyone's been begging for this game to be ported in the usa
2 years ago -
this game, along with the other 2, are the most underrated ive seen in my life. i dont get how everyone in snokido gets obsessed with fnf when they could try this instead
2 years ago -
- <1 2 >
don't even know
1 month ago -