(You can rebind keys by clicking on the "controller" icon at the bottom of the game)
Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure
Developer: Dimps - 1 108 247 playsDragon Ball Advanced Adventure pays homage to the series created by Akira Toriyama. The game mixes combat and platform styles and takes you on a long adventure, where you play as a young Goku. Story mode takes you through some of the anime’s historic moments, such as training with Master Roshi, meeting Piccolo or fighting the Red Ribbon Army. In one-on-one mode, you can duel with Goku and Krillin, and there are a further 4 other characters to unlock.
The first time I fought Piccolo I literally said "Nah, I'd win." and got my sh*t ROCKED
2 months ago -
3 months ago -
Best game ever played it when I was 6 but never found it again until now YES!
7 months ago -
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this game is PERFECT. playing as goku in an epic adventure and then playing as krillin for a bonus is really fun. also i beat surviaval. VERY GOOD GAME! also rip akria toriyama
3 weeks ago -