Kingdom Rush Frontiers
Developer: IronHide - 558 555 playsThe mother of all defence games is back with a brand new mission and it’s even bigger, even better and even more intense! Kingdom Rush Frontiers takes you on an adventure to discover exotic lands, where the aim is to defend your territory against 40 different types of enemy and devious bosses. The game has 9 new legendary characters, 18 options for your towers, 3 difficulty settings and hours and hours of gaming fun. This PC flash version of Kingdom Rush Frontiers is pure happiness in pixel form!
This game is one of the most legendary games out there before they removed flash, so this game isn't mid its TOP TIER. This game made up so many kids lives including me, so my point is that this game is AMAZING. BUT most game companies don't care about it anymore so i'm sad to say that, we are losing our beloved game in front of our eyes
8 months ago -
0/10 it was a waste of time it was lagging af AND I HAD TO WAIT SO LONG FOR NO REASON!!!
1 year ago -
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
3 years ago -
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3 weeks ago -