Developer: Pelican Party Studios - 423 241 playsArmed with bow and arrows, battle against the enemy team to capture their flag in, a fast-paced and tactical 3D multiplayer archer game. Cooperate with your teammates to defend your side and prevent players from the other team from grabbing your flag, and organize expeditions into opposing terrain to try to capture the enemy flag and bring it back to your base. Each flag brought down earns one point, the first team with 3 points wins. You will have at your disposal 5 weapons with different characteristics, three short, medium and long range bows and two short and long range crossbows. The aim and rate of fire of each weapon will also vary. offers a variety of maps that you will have to memorize in order to have the advantage of the field and to organize the attack and the defense as well as possible. The action will be fast, intense and the collective strategy will often be decisive to achieve victory!
why are people hating on this game? It's really good if you are good at it.
1 month ago -
its fun but it almost never works i only play 4/10 times a day because of lag an stuf
1 year ago -
Bad game wont load neither would the real website Pelicn Party Studios please fix this problem
1 year ago -
- <1 2 3 4… 8 >
what he said
1 month ago -