New York Shark
Developer: Mausland - 147 707 playsShark alert! New York is under attack from one of those enormous monsters, designed to destroy everything in its path. You’re the one in control of this giant shark and your aim is to wreak absolute havoc by destroying the city’s buildings, eating its inhabitants and bringing its entire infrastructure to a standstill. Unleash your beast’s rage over a distance of 100 miles as you try and get the best score once you reach the other side of the city.
983828758773 who can beat that plus i destroyes earth with metoer rite call me call me Idestroyedearth_2
1 year ago -
Score: 3128346 Username: Idestroyedearth (No like seriously, I made an Meteor destroy earth itself, including you, your Neighbours, your children... Your wife/Husband And killed Obama.
2 years ago -
- <1 2 3 >
2392767 destroyed earth, and killed osama. So u know, just another friday
21 hours ago -