FNF Darkness Takeover: Aftermath
Developer: TieGuo - 95 565 playsFNF Darkness Takeover: Aftermath is a fanmade mod that tells the continuation of the original mod's story with a new frenetically-paced song. The virus continues its course, it infects more and more people and almost the entire Griffin family is infected! But fortunately Peter and Stewie are still able to fight and will try to eradicate the evil by singing. Keep the beat and resist the corruption during the song "Aftermath" to allow Peter and Stewie to win this final battle and save the Griffin family.
Mod creator, programmer: TieGuo
Artists: Dillex - YiJiu
You can download FNF Darkness Takeover : Aftermath from the Original mod page.
its broke though only in fashioned values after cleveland gets saved hes just in his idle animation
9 months ago -
Why do I keep seeing complaints of it not loading and it laggin and it breakin for mods when I have NEVER had a SINGLE problem minus the fact that if I hold down w and s, a and d wont work
1 year ago -
- <1 2 3 >
we need a good ending please
1 month ago -