FNF Vs. Mario's Madness V2
Developer: Marco Antonio - 3 968 754 playsThe world of Mario is not that wonderful and in the mod FNF Vs. Mario's Madness V2 for Friday Night Funkin' you will be able to discover the characters of the famous video game on a differrent angle with the horror / creepypasta version. The whole story begins when Boyfriend and Girlfriend were playing a strange version of Super Mario Bros.: quietly sitting on their couch, the two lovers are suddenly grabbed by a strange hand that will capture and take them to an unknown world. It's here that Boyfriend will have to participate in his first two rap battles against a terrifying version of Mario on the music "It's a Me" and "Golden Land". If you manage to triumph you will obtain a flute which you will have to use in the main menu of the game (key B). It will give you access to a new world resembling a map of a Mario game including 4 other challenges. Boyfriend will play his survival on the music "I Hate You", "Alone", "Apparition" and "Power Down". If you complete these 4 songs, an high-speed surprise music is waiting for you in the freeplay menu!
Mario's Madness V2:
Version 2 of Mario's Madness is a major and very important update which adds 27 new, spectacular and original songs! This results in one of the most accomplished FNF mods to date, each music includes numerous events, incredible animations and a multitude of details. You will be able to follow a complete story told with numerous cutscenes which will complement the rap battles. Each song will have a unique style and will offer an unforgettable challenge to players!
Songs list:
V1 : It's a Me - Golden Land - I Hate You - Alone - Apparition - Power Down - Race Traitors
V2 : It's a Me (new) - Starman Slaughter - So Cool - Nourishing Blood - Mario Sing And Game Rythm 9 - Alone (new) - Thalassophobia - Oh God No - I Hate You (new) - Apparition - Last Course - Dark Forest - Bad Day - Day Out - Dictator - Race-traitors (new) - No Hope - Golden Land - No Party - Paranoia - Overdue - Powerdown - Demise - Promotion - Abandoned - The End Song - All Stars - Unbeatable
Director, artist: Marco Antonio
Main coder: Dewott2501
Main composer: KennyL
Artists: Faro - Scrubb - EllisBros - NateTDOM - GP12810 - VanillaScotch - MR.G - Notakin - Gejospixelart - valengarfy
Animators, artists: Lima - YokuTzen - postroff
Coders: lunar - atpx8 - DuskieWhy - userqua - Cape Funkin
Composers: Sandi - Comodo - FriedFrick - TaeSkull - theWAHbox - scrumbo_ - RedTv53 - Ironik - Hazy Is Dead - Joey Perleoni - gurgney
Charters: lemon aid - Yoshinova_ - Senshi_Z - Thales
Voice actors: Voice of KINGF0X - Ney - Nanno Cansado - Sunset64 - Yellow_va
You can download FNF Vs. Mario's Madness from the Original mod page.
I could tell it's not done because when I died on the peaches song on free play it kept playing the song on me and I kept going back to the death screen some how. Also It's creepy and I don't like when I saw Mario sticking up the finger.
17 hours ago -
Trying to play all stars on my Chromebook is like detonating a bomb, crasing my computer.
5 days ago -
after beating the duck hunt section in unbeatable, I celebrated to early and hit the 'R' button on my keyboard...
5 days ago -
I wish they could make this more playable for chromebook users cause I wanna fully experience the mod as a whole but due to having a PC that works like buns I can't.
6 days ago -
no party is so hard ! just in the start of the song when i worte and is finish, i die ! But i like this difficulty !
1 week ago -
- <1 2 3 4… 118 >
Yeah I know Fnf should work on it more.. Also I made my account yesturday and im level 5 already
1 hour ago -