FNF Starving Artist
Developer: Rebecca_Doodles - 422 291 playsFNF Starving Artist is a mod for Friday Night Funkin' which tells the story of a talented artist named Rebecca [23] who dreams of becoming famous. But for the moment the times are rather difficult and it's through a musical battle between Boyfriend and her that you will discover her story. Face Rebecca through 4 melancholy songs, Hunger, Aspirer, Crybaby and Empty and try to keep the rythm despite the surprising events that are about to happen! You can follow the author of the mod Rebecca Doodles on his Youtube channel.
Creator, artist, coder: Rebecca Doodles / Coder Assistant: ash237 / Musician: Seberster / Charter: SandPlanet
You can download FNF Starving Artist from the Original mod page.
@Weirdoooo its because its the pausing song and its the artists heart beating
1 year ago -
The alarm in Crybaby sounded like an alarm clock until I thought of it as the thing that keeps track of your heartbeat when you are in the hospital.....
1 year ago -
the song hunger made me almost cry i feel so bad for her! Rebecca: help. me: *throws my wallet at her* TAKE IT! YOU NEED IT MORE THAN I DO! to:RonsMoment it is not a he it is a she her name is Rebecca second she passed out due to lack of sleep and eating. third DO NOT LAUGH ABOUT THIS MOD the creator Rebecca_Doodles had made this mod to vent about her pain. so GET OUT with your laughing emoji (JERK)
2 years ago -
Rebecca got an eggplant on her screen... oh BTW this is my favorite mod! because it's traumatizing to little kids! and is so creepy
2 years ago -
rebacca doodles is my favorite other than atsuover jellybean and themaskedchris and the menu bg drawing is sus.........
2 years ago -
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i hate slow arrows and short longs, the combination of those is even worse
3 months ago -