That's Not My Neighbor
Developer: Nacho Sama - 359 809 playsIn the game That's Not My Neighbor, you'll embark on a strange and sometimes frightening adventure, taking on the role of a building caretaker who bears the great responsibility of checking the people, or creatures, who come to the door. The story is set in 1955, and the building's residents come and go in their residence, but sometimes creatures called Doppelgangers take on human forms and try to impersonate the real inhabitants. As the building's caretaker, your task will be to let in the true residents but, more importantly, to unmask the Doppelgangers and then call security to apprehend them.
The Doppelganger Detection Department (DDD) has posted a job opening for a building doorman, a job that is very challenging and, above all, a bit dangerous. The last person to hold this position, despite being extremely dedicated and diligent, ended up being devoured by dangerous creatures. The job is well-paid, but you’ll need to do better than your predecessor if you want to survive!
How to play That's Not My Neighbor?
First, carefully observe the people who come to the building’s door. Even though Doppelgangers are very skilled at shape-shifting, their transformations are often imperfect, and some physical details might give them away.
Also, check the identification of the people and make sure that the names match the list of residents for each floor's apartments. If you're unsure, you can conduct an interrogation using a questionnaire. Once all checks are completed, you can either open the door to let the residents in or lock the door and call the DDD by dialing 3312 on your phone. The organization will then proceed to neutralize the suspect.
Buy the full version of the game:
To play the full version and discover several new game modes, don't hesitate to buy That's Not My Neighbor for $2.99 on Nacho Sama's page.
if it's not working then close out the whole window and then turn the device off that your on now open up the website after turning the computer back on and then go to a dif game and then close and go back to the home page open up game and reload a few times for 3 min load
1 week ago -
this takes so long to load dude. if many people have issues with it loading, you should fix the issue or remove the game completely. its more worth it to buy the game then wait 30 mins for it. That's totally crazy.
1 week ago -
Wow, OwO it is very fun, but my first 5 were super easy because they had extra mouths or fingers.. Ew! UwU
2 weeks ago -
- <1 2 3 4… 11 >
this is so good i cant even play roblox
3 days ago -